Over-the-counter drugs: will be sold online in accordance with the EU
The European change
As of July 1, the EU regulation came into effect, an important change that guarantees the online sale of approved and insured medicines, i.and., coming from existing pharmacy sites and displaying the common European logo, against counterfeit drugs. To the European Directive 2011/62/EU, which is a real breakthrough from the important echo and from the relevant implementation, Italy also conforms.
In Italy
We will be able to buy drugs online, under a set of clear rules and conditions that are able to defeat the phenomenon of illegal drugs, thanks to the logo approved by the Commission: in Italy we will find on sale those that do not have a prescription. Waiting for the final approval of the decree for online sales, in fact we are a little bit late with the bureaucratic processes, at the moment we can only look for the nearest pharmacy on duty always surfing the internet from the comfort of our home.
Guidelines and methods for legality
The national logo, established by this decree that follows European guidelines, will allow us to identify legal online pharmacies. In addition, the logo is covered by patent, as established by the EU Commission measures: this implies that improper use of the authorization will bring penalties to the practitioner. But how will we figure out our retailer's officiality? First of all, it is necessary to know how the seller obtains the authorization to trade online: the competent local authorities issue the authorization, only then does the pharmacy owner apply to the Ministry of Health, which, through a procedure available on the online portal of the same ministry, will provide for the allocation of the logo.
The consumer is able to identify Whereher the Logo Presenti Compelies with the Regulations: In fact it will present the direct link to the official list of all pharmacies that online work Legally.
Standards for Pharmacies and Customer Protection
The Ecommerce Extended Also to the Pharmaceutical Sector is an Important Choice and a Not Insignificant Change: Pharmacies That Want To Join Will Have To Submit to Specific Conditions That Will Lem To A Change In The Structure of Their System, Which From Now on Will No Longer Be The Same and Will Be Able to Address a Wider Audience.
To join, the pharmacy must first have a website, and if it does not, it will have to set one up; in addition, there must be a public directory indicating the authorized pharmacies in a way that is convenient for users, so that the surfer can check with confidence whether the site from which he or she intends to buy products is regular or not; finally, the authorizing bodies will have to establish an office and a clear local point of reference to which pharmacies will have to send the application in order to be able to obtain the ecommerce authorization.
Why buy online
The turnaround affects everyone a bit, starting with pharmacies and facilities issuing official authorizations: above all, the service will bring a not inconsiderable advantage to the citizen who regularly makes online purchases because of the convenience they bring. Although in Italy the service is dedicated exclusively to issuing non-prescription drugs, we must take into account the wide category offered: in fact, these include self-medication drugs, which any citizen on the territory is used to buy.
Benefits and advice
The advantage of using such a service is massive: just as each of us receives any product purchased on the Internet, from clothing to furniture, video games and electronic products, comfortably at home, so it will be possible to receive pharmaceutical products, offered directly from the portal of the pharmacy itself. It will not be necessary to search for parking, untangle the city traffic to finally arrive at the store and…find an’inminable line! Everything will take place quietly in our homes, with the desired payment method to choose from those offered, at any time of the day, in front of our PC or smartphone screen.
Thanks to the established guidelines and set of conditions, the user will be protected and will be able to carry out his or her online operations safely, if he or she pays due attention to the logo, which must comply with the rules: in fact, in spite of everything, the purchase of drugs through the net most of the time represents a direct access to falsified medicines.