Migraines, When they become chronic?
L'migraine is a form of headache that Falls Under Primary Headaches, i.and., Those Not Related to Any Pathology. This is a very year and partially disbeling headache that usuary affects only one side of the skull, either the right or the left.
The Various Related Sympoms
May Be Accompanied by Nausea, Vomiting, Lacimation, Marked Sensitità to Light (Photophobia), Noise (Phonophobia) or Odors (Osmophobia), and Insomnia.
In The Case of Migraine, The Pain is prolonged from a minimum of 4 hours up to 3 days. For it to be migraine, there must be at least 2 of these features:
- The Pain Must Be Throbbing
- Intensity Should Be Medium or Severe
- The Situation is made Worse If you do Physical Activity Even As Simple As Walking or Going Up and Down Stairs
- The Pain is localized only on one side, left or right.
There are several causes of the onset of migraine:
- Sensititivity to Light, Noise or Certain Smells
- Hormonal Changes During Puberty or Menopause, Taking Birth Control Pills, Menstral Cycle Rising
- Disresculated Lifestyle Habits Such As Drinking Alcohol, Smoking, Getting Little Rest, Being ContinuLyy Strassed or Perpetually Active
- Improper Diet Such As Taking Some Drinks That Couuld Promoti The Onset of Migraine Or Consuming Foods Such As Tomatoes, Citrus Fruits, Bananas, Chocolate, Coffee, Alcohol Containing Sulfites (Provaranes that Can Trigger Headaches), Glutamate from Packaged Nuts, Some Dairy Products, red meat, and so on
- Dehydration, it is good to drink plenyk of fluids alo in the form of herbal teas to prevent the onset of migraine
- Anxiety, depression or stress and too hectic in life.
It is referred to as Chronic Migraine When Attacks Incasse or Worsen (Headaches Occhur at Least 15 Days a Month OR for A Duraction Longer Than Three Months).
Again, migraine is chronic even when painkillers no longer work.
In these cases, it would be best to perform further investigations to have more serious causes.