Equivalent Drug at a crossroads: Supplier ’ S Riliatity Will Make a different
It. The Report Focused On The Value Chain, on the Availability of Active Ingredients/Raw Materials, On Finished Products At a Constantly Decreasting Average Price, and on the Estimation of Needs, in Close Relation to the Criticality Representated TODAY by the System of Public Hospital Tenders.
Massimo Versace Speaks On These Issues
ON THESE ISSUES INTERVENES MASSIMO VERSACE, Country Manager of Sun Pharma Italy, Who Stresses "That Precisel Today, in The Face of the Need for Strong Change of the Entire Ssn, Renewal Supported by the Important Funds Made Available by the PNRR, at the same time Drug Players, As Well As in General The Entire Pharmaceutical System, have the Obligation to Rethink Themselves in Termons of the Overl Quality of Their Proposal and Not Only ‘ Reduction ’ of Their Economic Offers ".
"The National Health Service is about Undergo a Radical Change, Made Up of Personship Medicine, Widespified and Interconnected Technologies, and Proximity Care," Versace Continues, "and it is natural that we, too, must question urselves on these issues, question Ourselves and Activate Ourselves According to New Logics ". "One Point Above All Strikes Us in The Report Presented by Equalia And Nomisma: The Issue of Needs. That mismatch between needs and orders, which then leads to tenders that lead to levels of competition that are increasingly less representative of the quality the Report talks about, has long been the focus of our corporate attention.".
In SUN PHARMA's vision, the goal is clear
"First and foremost, it is necessary to fully understand and grasp the real consumption and needs of the entities. These also need to be identified through the support of artificial intelligence systems. These data must be shared with all healthcare professionals involved in drug management.
Lastly, it is necessary to focus as much as possible on the provider’s reliability and the general sense of its services. We are Certain, and Sun Pharma Italia Is Almedey Moving on This Plan, that proper use of artificial intelligence and algorithms can help us offer advanced answers to health needs, Quality Therapies and Economic Sustainability ".
"Collecting certain data, capable of taking a snapshot of needs, made available to professionals and shared with reliable providers," Massimo Versace concludes, "The quality of services today depends on the ability to connect these areas together.".