Gaeta – Collaboration between City Council and Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome renewed
The collaboration between the City of Gaeta and the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome, aimed at the’activation of specialized services aimed at the pediatric age, as well as scientific research, teaching and training, is renewed. It’ in effect in fact, the ’ “Framework agreement for collaboration in the field of care for specialized consultations in pediatrics and pediatric surgery”, signed by the Mayor of Gaeta Cosmo Mitrano and the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Legal Representative pro – tempore OP Child Jesus, d.Ssa Mariella Enoc.
A New Agreement that confirms, for a period of Two Years, The synergy stingly desirated and implemented by the ’ Current Municipal Administration with a National and International Center of Excellence in The Care and Protect of Children ’S Health Such As the Children &# 8217s Hospital Child Jesus. Goal: to Strengthen Prevention and Support Interventions in the Area For Children and Young People Who Belong to the Younger Age Group.
The Fruit of this Important Collaboration was the Opening in June 2015 of the Pediatric Specialist Counseling Center in Collaboration with the Head Doctors of the Bambino Gesù Children ’ S Hospital, where services are provided periodically for children and Young People from all over the district , Who Belong to the Age Group 0-17 Years, Simply with a Request from the Pediatrician or General Practitioner. The service is free of charge for children residing in Gaeta, as the municipality pays for it.
Another Relevant Step of This Synergistic Path was the free Electrocardiographic Screening of Pupils of the Kindergarten (Five-Year-Olds), Primary and High School (Third Grade) of Gaeta. It.
“The subsequent of these Initiatives – Mayor Mitrano States – and in Particle The Incaseing Number of Consultatitions at the Center in via Firenze Confirm the validity of the collaboration undertaken and the social action put in place by our administration ’. Starting from the desire to significantly improve the quality of services provided for its citizens, withut burdening families with additional expenses, we have turned our attention toward stanninghening of the overall activities intended for the pediatric age, and toward the’enrichment of medical care provision in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Signing of the Convention and the Establishment of the Center for Specialized Consulting In Collaboration with the Baby Jesus Ope Last Year Kicked Off a Fruitful Collaboration That is Being Renewed Today with the ’ Interaction of Identifying Additional Specific Areas On Which to Focus Cooperation, Articulating Their Implementation Programs ”.
“ Besides Having the Great Advantage of Saving Parents and Children the Designience of Traveling to Rome – concludes – LOur Initiative Aims To Be a Little Help to Parents, to Support in The Growth and Care of Their Children. We Want to make families feel that institutions are by their side in the Difficult task of parenting, and that together we can beter Cope with all the situations that life can present, eventually the mile Complex ONES ”.
Please note that the Specialty Counseling Center in collaboration with l’Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome is active in Gaeta at the municipal premises in Via Firenze (corner of Via Piave). Specialist Advice Can Be Obtained by Contactting Exclusively to Their Pediatrician or General Practitioner.