Health, Ido: “ Fairy Tales is time for nurturing, not delegating to Alexa ”
“Getting Alexa, the smart personal assistant developed by Amazon, to tell bedtime stories to your children. This seems to be the new trend that from Britain is slowly gaining ground in Italy as well. A trend that leaves ‘perplexed’ Federico Bianchi di Castelbianco, a developmental psychotherapist and director of the’Institute of Orthophonology (IdO).
A fairy tale is still a fairy tale, no matter who is telling it?
“A fairy tale is always a fairy tale, regardless of who tells it? Not quite so says Castelbianco sharing and empathy are a different thing from performance, in this case robotics. Telling one's child a fairy tale, perhaps after being away from home for the whole day- stresses the psychotherapist- is a way of telling the child: now I am back, I am beside you, I am telling you something good, I am telling it to you in my own voice. It.
Telling a fairy tale is also therefore “a moment of nurturing- explains Castelbianco- because in such a simple act there are many things in it, and I am quite astounded- he says- that someone thinks that if you don”t have time to do it, the solution is Alexa”.
And while it is true that technology is making great strides
And while it’s true that technology is making great strides, it“s also true “that this doesn’t always mean progress,’ points out the director of the IdO-especially when it comes to human relationships”. Indeed. “Our habits change with technology, but sometimes that change leads to tears, and when habits ‘get torn’ so does what’s behind it”. When, for example “ you offer cell phones to children to prevent them from Throwing ‘ Tantrums ’ You delegate to Technology The Resolution of the Problem and in Doing So You Also Delegate Your Relationship with Your Children.
Health, when a child throws a tantrum
When a child throws a tantrum – says the psychotherapist – partly it is because he is at a moment in his growth path, partly because he is expressing a difficulty”. In essence “the fact that children are hyper-connected does not mean that this is the right way to go- continues Castelbianco- because while it is true that being close to children is complicated, given the complexity of our daily lives, it is also true that this does not mean either that we should not have children, or that we should delegate our role as parents to others”. Starting with bedtime stories.