Migraine headaches, the most commonly used medications
L'migraine It is a form of primary headache, a very frequent and partially disabling headache that can therefore be very bothersome.
What are the most commonly used medications for migraine and to reduce pain?
- Analgesics, when symptoms are mild to moderate. Have an effect if taken at the first signs of a migraine attack. These are NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) so acetaminophen and acetylsalicylic acid have pain-relieving action and can help reduce migraine symptoms. They show be used as needed and on a full stomach, for short periods of time. Can Cause Side Effects Such As Gastritis, Liver and Kidney Disorders, and If Taken For Prolonged Times, Decrease Their Effectiveness
- Tryptans, If with Pinkillers The Pain Has Not Gone Away, You Can Take These Drugs That Play Their Effect on Certain Seroton RecepTors, Prevention The Propation of Pain. These Drugs Cause The Blood Vessels in the Brain to Contract, Courteck The Dilation That is Needed During A Migraine Attack ’ Migraine Attacks
- Anti-Inflammmacy Drugs Such As Ibuprofen, diclofenac and naproxen for some patients are effects in Treating Migraine
- Ergotamine and derivatives, drugs used when migraine is very disbubling or resistant to other treatments. They Carry Out A Vasoconstricivo Action and Counter the Phase of Cranial Vasodilation Responsible for the Onset of Migraine ’ Migraine. They can create serious side effects and can exactbate nausea
- Other Analgesics Such As Narcotics, Opioids, Barbiturates. They can be addictive and should be taken only occasionally when other medications are ineffective (and always after consulting a doctor).
For those who do not want to take drugs, some natural remedies can be tried such as: