World contract day: 68 percent of girls do not know alternatives to the pill
Informing is a duty. Explaining to Girls the Importance of Contraception in All Its Alternatives, Which Are Still Too Little Known, and How Crucial the Choice of the Most Suitable Contractive Method Is, A Necessity. Data from 2015 Survey Reveal That 68 percent of Young Women Know of No Alternatives to the pill, Despite The fact that 84 percent have expressed to desire to change the contractive method they currently use.
There World contract day, Which Celebrates Sept. 26, Turns The Spotlight on the Need for Information and the Need to Share the Topics of Sexuality and Contraception. Girls Have The Opportunities to Inform Themselves Through Love it! Gender Awareness, The Information and Awareness Campaign Promotted by the Sigo (Italian Society of Gynecology and Obsthetics) In collaboration with The pill without the pill, MSD Italy's educational project: a service of free gynecological counseling in 12 Italian cities and online consultations at www.the pill without the pill.it.
A new Twitter channel is also born these days Love it @pillnopill.
Collaboration with Campus Orienta, University Box and Job&Orient: there will be 12 Italian cities (Bari, Catania, Cosenza, Lamezia Terme, Milan, Palermo, Pescara, Reggio Calabria, Rome, Salerno, Turin, Verona) involved in the campaign until the end of 2015. Within the educational space, young people can learn more about sexuality issues and consult free of charge and anonymously with a team of gynecologists who will answer questions, doubts and curiosity about sexuality and contraception.
52% of girls who met with gynecologists at previous tour stops say the ring is the contraceptive method they were most curious about. Results confirm when highlighted by the Ecos Observational Study Published Sept. 1 in the Journal BMC Womens Health[i], conducted on about 2.000 Italian Women Bethaeen the Ages of 18 and 40: Women Favorites, Safe and Effective But Also Practical Contracts Methods That Do Not Force Them To Take A Pill Every Day With the Risk of Forgetting. The percentage of Women Who, after Delving Into Contractive Methods with their Gynecologist, are Geared Toward the Use of the ring Incased by AS Much As 4 Times (from 5 percent to 21 percent) A small incaited for the patch (3% to 7%) While no amnese for choice of the pill.
Surprisingly, Men Also Seek Information On Contraception. In Past Events, 18% of the interviews Were with Young Men Who Found the Opportunities to Engage With Gynecological Specialists to Receive More Information About Hormonal Contraception SO They Could Be Part of the Couple's Choices.
"For MSD, a leading company in the field of women's health, it is a vocation and a commitment to be close to women in all their life choices" Says Nicoletta Luppi, President and CEO of MSD Italy. "We renew our Commitment to Inform and Educate Women To Consciously Plan Their Lives So That Motherhood is the Most Desild and Desard Gift in Every Woman's Life ".
All the Information About Contraception and Upcoming Campaign APpointments Love it! Conscious sex are available on the www.lapillnopill.en. Follow us on twitter Love it @pillnopill.