EUR – Demonstration Against the Depowerment of Sant ’ Eugenio
This morning in Front of At the same time; Sant ’ at Piazzale dell’Humanism, Davide Bordoni, Roman coordinator of Forza Italia and Pasquale Calzetta, deputy coordinator with responsibility for the suburbs of Forza Italia, called for a demonstration in defense of local health services after the decision of the Lazio Region together with the ASL RMC to close two important departments such as nuclear medicine and oncology, while the divisions of hematology and resuscitation are awaiting being restructured.
“What used to be two important health poles are being greatly depowered – declare Bordoni and Calzetta – while patients throughout the Rome South quadrant are increasingly left to their own devices, forced to move to other facilities.
Recently the Hon. Renato Brunetta and the Hon. Ignazio Abrignani have submitted an urgent interpellation to the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, regarding the complex situation at the Sant'Eugenio regional hospital hub to verify and clarify the situation.
For these Reasons, Together With Local Associations We Will Be in Support of This Just Battle in Defenda of Our Right to Health ”.