Fiumicino – Pediatric first aid, from 18 April three lessons on unblocking
Three lessons in pediatric first aid and unblocking manoeuvres of the airways. They are organized by the Pedagogical Coordination Office, coordinated by Dr. Cristina Ferrera, as part of the program of activities of the Parents-Children Space of Villa Guglielmi, launched in September 2014. The first appointment is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday 18 April, from 8.30 to 12.30 at Villa Guglielmi in Isola Sacra.
The subsequent meetings will be held in Maccarese, on Saturday 16 May, in the conference room in via del Buttero and, finally, on 13 June again at Villa Guglielmi.
The target is to provide parents with important tools to deal with emergencies without losing control. The rapid recognition of an airway obstruction of the pediatric age, and the subsequent intervention, can in fact prevent serious, even fatal consequences.
“Is critical – the councilor for school and social services, Paolo Calicchio – that our citizens and all operators have adequate training. Recall that the course is free and at no cost for the administration. It represents the conclusion of a widespread training course that involved the educational staff of the Nursery and Nursery Schools on issues such as Pediatric First Aid, the use of the defibrillator and the early recognition of celiac disease “.
“With this course – explains the manager Roberto Sampò – Once again we want to underline the will of the municipal administration to support highly qualified initiatives aimed at the networking of activities that have the purpose of safeguarding the psychophysical well -being of citizens, with particular reference to the new generations “.