Christmas holidays, tips for staying in shape
the Christmas celebrations are coming and with them also the big binges with family or friends, within the limits of what is allowed this year. What remains certain is that our tables will always be set and there will be no shortage of every good thing. Of course, needless to say, we avoid do-it-yourself diets that don't serve and often don't lead to success.
But How to stay in shape during the holiday season Without losing control and eating too much?
Here are the tips:
- Before the Arrival of the Holidays, Particularly The Days Leading Up to Christmas Eve, Christmas and the Days Following, Adopt a 'Healthy Eating And Avoid Overly Fatty Foods Such As Sausages, Sweets and Alcoholic Beverages. This preventive "detox" Will Allew You to "Sprurge" with less guilt during binge days.
- Although it is delay Say no to the "Encore", Better to avoid doing so and instead preferred Normal and not "large" beares: that way you can taste a little of Everything, Without Worries, Enjoying Your Lunch or Dinner.
- This Advice Is Always Valid But During the Holidays Even more: Eating Slowly, Chewing Slowly. In this Regard, A Trick Can Be to Rest The Cutlery On The Plate Several Times and Converse with Other Diners to Take Time Bethanen Bites.
- This is also another advice that is always valid but is nevertheless Valuable at this time: Remember to Drink Plenty of Water Because This Helps One Feel Fuller and Thus Eat Less. Along the Lines of this Advice, it is good to Detox DITOX or Digestive Herbal Teas Drink After Bings To Deflate and Feel Better Immediately.
- During Lunches or Dinners, If Possible, Avoid Drinking Carbonated and Sugary Drinks and AlcoholicI: Perhaps Accompany the courses with a single single Glass of Wine to be Sipped Slowly.
Finally, Don't have as your sun Purpose to eatE: Take a break, for example, BETWEEN THE SAVORY AND THE SWEET (Allawing At Least Two Hours to Elapse Between). To do so, one can Improvise a few games or conversations with guests.