Ladispoli – RSA Dismondling, Feb. 8 meetings with family members of users and operators
"It is Essential to take stock of the situation on this very sad affair.". With These Words, Council for Social Policies Roberto Ussia Ninunded That On Monday, Febary 8 AT 6 P.m. At the Council Chamber a Meeting Will Be Hold on the Cuts Decided by the Lazio Region in the Area of Social and Health Services and in Particle The Assisted Health Care Residences That Operaors.
The Meeting, to Which Both Family Members of Users and Operators Have Been Invited, Will Be at least.
"At This time," Ussia Continued, "it is necessary to agree, together with family members and caregivers, on a form of protest to be brough to the consideration of the region. Such Important Health Facilities Cannot Be Distrazled.".