Tired and heavy legs: tips for feeling lighter
Not a few women suffer from tired and heavy legs. A problem that can become very pressing and annoying, especially when accompanied by swelling. In these cases, the condition of the limbs prevents you from moving as you would like to. Heavy and tired legs lose their functionality, which also lowers their motor capacity.
Many women suffer from it so much that they end up living with it on a daily basis: a mistake, because it is always important to intervene to treat this issue. That's why today we're going to look at tips for feeling lighter while tackling heavy and tired legs head-on.
Swollen and tired legs: description, causes and symptoms
The main characteristic that belongs to this condition, is a perpetual and sudden fatigue. Legs Become Swollen and Exhausted, Even if we have not done sports or particle moovements. Indeed, this often happens when we are sitting in the office, to give an example.
Or when temperatures get warmer than normal. But what does it depend on? From the circulation of blood, which stagnates in the veins of the lower limbs.
When this happens, the fluids are unable to move up in the direction of the heart muscle: getting trapped in the veins, they swell and weigh down the legs.
It is always better to be examined by a specialist, because it could also depend on pathological causes. For example, heaviness in the legs could be a consequence of thrombophlebitis, or diabetes. Kidney failure could also be a cause, along with some forms of sclerosis and polycythemia. In terms of symptoms, heaviness is obviously in the first place.
Itching and tingling are also two symptoms often common in women suffering from this condition.
What are the solutions for heaviness in the legs?
When Not Dependent on Pathological Causes, These Issues Can Be Realigned by Taking Natural Supplements for Heavy Legs Such As Antistax. This product is all-natural and made from Red Vine Leaf Extract. Its action allows the structure of the veins to be stungthened so as to push the Blood back to its normal direction.
In Just a Few Days it Alwa You to Experience that feel of Lightness in Your Limbs That Has Been Missing for So Long.
What are the other solutions for Swollen and Tired Legs? Meanwhile, regular the diet: a diet that is too salty can in fact causes this condition. Better to opt for fruits and vegetables, which are also rich in Fluids and therefore Hydrate Tissues. Also, Never Dress in PANS OR SOCKS THAT ARE TOO CONSTRICTING: This Will Make The Situation Worse. Heels Are Also to be avoided, Because they further stress the limbs.
Finally, Physical Movement: It Helps Not Only to Tone The Muscles and Therefore The Veins, But Also To Move the Blood. A Daily Walk, Therefore, Is a Real Panacea for Swollen Legs.